Friday, October 10, 2014

    Chance Goff
     Ms. Anthony
     10 September 2014

      Recently in class we all took the Myers Briggs typology exam and we all discussed amongst one another the different types that we received. I received the ENTJ typing which in the brief explanation for job typing is CEO or Business management. I never really thought of myself as a company executive type of person, but over the past few days I have some reflecting and I initially thought that it was just a coincidence that after reading most of the descriptions that I was similar.
     The letter E, Extravert. Extraverts are able to thrive in a social environment and are able to thrive outside of their natural environment and prefer to communicate by use of their linguistics. I agree 100% on all of those things I tend to be the natural leader of a discussion and bring up most opinions in situations that most have nothing to say.
    Next we have N. Intuition, prefer to be very organized and have a proper schedule in which they control, able to see patterns very easily,and have what some describe as the "sixth" sense for their imagination. I'm Pretty organized, but as hard as I try it almost always ends up terribly for me due to over scheduling myself. However, I do feel that I am organized when I am trying and do try to rely on my intuition when I can so I'll agree.
     Then comes T. Just reading all of the traits that describe a T makes me smile at just how much of a thinker I am. Uses logic to solve problems, analytical, Described as reasonable, wants everyone to be treated equally. It makes me feel warm inside knowing that there are plenty of others in this world that feel the same that I do when it comes to problem solving! So, I agree 100% on being a thinker
Finally the letter to end them all! J,Judging like to stay organized, make quick decisions (sometimes too quickly), try to only have one project going before starting another, and also try to limit surprises. This one is really close to me however the organization flaw is put in place again, but everything else is spot on! 
      The final product ENTJ is what I was given in the end and I must say it was a lot more descriptive than I could have imagined that I would agree with this exam so much!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

         Family can be more than just your mother and father, siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc. Family to me is more about those I accept into my life on a full time basis and would be willing to do absolutely anything in my power to help or those who accept me for who I am and seem to always be there when we need each other most. I actually use these people a lot in of my blogs because regardless of how annoyed I can become with them they will never cease to amaze me in the end with the caring and compassionate things they do for one another. Family are those who can relate to me in more than just a historical sense, those who you can understand, sympathize with, talk about the commonalities between you, have a good time, enjoy the day, and best of all be there for each other regardless of distance. Family is one of the most important aspects in the world and I believe should be for more people because no matter how much you have your "Family" never stops growing... 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

     Seeing the Mona Lisa wearing a gas mask kind of makes my mind wonder, think about the European artist that Created her, think about war, gastric warfare, nuclear bombs, World War II. Then again There hasn't ever really been a threat for nuclear warfare in the European countries like there have been in the United States or China, maybe even Russia. I digress Seeing such a beautiful piece of history completely soiled with the thought of anything terrible such as a gas mask kinda sickens me. I wonder how da Vinci would feel knowing that people are going around and altering what could be considered the most beautiful piece of artwork known today? Personally I would be pissed, but in this day in age what could someone really do? With almost anyone who could ever think having access to the internet and all sorts of editing programs it would be a senseless fight for literally nothing